Trends in 3D printing
Trends in 3D printing

3D printing technology has been available since 1980s, but the industry remains in an early stage of development. 3D printing is for sure the next revolution in customise designing and manufacturing. Whether it is a medical pills, chocolates , automobile or airplane static parts or a big house, anything can be made with 3D printing (also known as additive manufacturing) , in which a machine produces a three-dimensional product by adding successive layer of material.

To name few of the 3D oriented innovations: - a prototype engine blade, 3D printed artificial limb, 3D printed electric Guitar, 3D printed realistic figurines, decorative lamps.

Two major trends fuelling demand for 3D printers and supplies are design prototyping in manufacturing and product customization. The major benefit of 3D printing in India could be:-

1) research and development
2) customised parts
3) Defence sector, where they have to rely on other country for even a small part replacements.
4) Customised gifting purpose
5) Marketing and branding, etc.

Recently, Australia’s RMIT centre for additive manufacturing at the advanced manufacturing precinct designed and developed a custom- made titanium spinal implant using 3D printing for a patient, who was suffering from severe back pain. The specialist team at Anatomics and RMIT used a CT scan of the patient’s spine to create the customized implant while a second medical device supplier, lifeHealthcare, provided additional parts. (ref:- www.inside

Over the past decade, 3D printers have been hailed as changing everything from fashion to firearms. Now, they are coming to the pharmaceutical and food industry as a big revolution in these sectors. Earlier this month , the U.S food and drug administration approved the first 3D- printed pill: Spritam levetiracetam, a drug which can reduce seizures among epileptics. Manufactured by the American pharmaceutical company Aprecia, it produced not by the conventional method through tableting machine, but by a special process where the drug’s active and inactive ingredients are laid down layer-by-layer.

Another advantage of 3D printing technology is shown by a group in Japan , where they are trying to stop thefts of valuable Buddhist statues by creating replica of their statue through 3D printing. The Japanese Agency for cultural affairs recently revealed that from 2007 to 2009 there were 105 thefts of historical sculptures.(ref:-